Designing of social and labor relations in the context of transformation: principles, organizational and institutional aspects
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Labor relations; transformation of labor relations; principles of labor relations designing; organizational and institutional aspects.Resumen
The paper studies the organizational and institutional problems in the field of labor relations transformation and substantiates novel principles of their designing aimed at achieving the balance between the interests of the parties.
We used a system-axiological approach based on a combination of analytical, institutional and systemic methods. The concept of co-evolution was applied while considering organizational and institutional aspects of social and labor relations.
The study proposes axiological dialectics as a systemic and meaning-forming factor in the transformation of labor relations. The author understands the transformation of labor relations as a construction of their novel organizational and inter-organizational structure intended to ensure the long-term functioning and development of the company.
The analysis of organizational and institutional bases of labor relations is carried out and four principles for the construction of labor relations in the transformation state in respect to economic systems are developed. The proposed organizational and institutional methodology and principles for labor relations designing can reduce contradictions in the system of labor relations and help achieve a balance of its participants’ interests. They can also serve as a conceptual basis for building the system of labor relations under transformation, as well as a way to shape the socio-economic development strategy of a company and/or an economic system.
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