Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention: A Case of Business Students from Pakistan
Palabras clave:
Entrepreneurial intention, determinants of entrepreneurial intention, business students.Resumen
Entrepreneurship is considered as a very relevant activity to stimulate growth for the country’s economies. This study offers multiple factors that promote entrepreneurial intention (EI) among the business students in Pakistan. More specifically, this study focus on attitude toward entrepreneurship (ATE), perceived support (PS), self-confidence (SC), and Subjective norms (SN), in determining the students’ EI. Data were collected from 102 business graduates from a business school. Results suggested that except ATE, all the factors have significant positive influence on students EI. The study provides useful information for the educational institutions, business schools and the policy makers to promote entrepreneurial education and EI among the business students to accelerate social and economic development.
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