Fostering EFL reading comprehension through the implementation of critical thinking questionnaires in a VLE
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critical thinking, Virtual Learning Environments, reading comprehension, English as a Foreign Language.Resumen
Our research is framed within a qualitative research study which follows an action-research design. The study aimed at analyzing the impact that critical thinking questionnaires through a VLE have on the development of EFL reading comprehension among ninth graders from different schools located in the southern region of Colombia which includes Caquetá, Huila, and Tolima. We implemented fieldnotes, surveys, and students’ artefacts as data gathering tools. The findings evidence that the participants enhanced higher order thinking skills and fostered the development of spaces for reflection in which they practiced reading strategies and were involved in contextualized stories. Besides, the interaction between peers in the VLE allowed the participants to co-construct new perspectives, beliefs, and ideas.
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